Sunday, March 15, 2009

New York and Las Vegas

Hello, Rebellion!

Well, the decision has been made, it's NYC in October 2009!  We'll go for the FMC Post Production Conference and for folks to line up internship/job possibilities, meet some alumni, tour facilities, and possibly work on some shows.

The next two meetings will be:

Monday, March 23rd at 6PM in Club 136 (formerly known as Room 136), and Tuesday, March 24th at 6PM in Club 136.

We'll discuss the conference, how much money you'll need, where we'll be staying, how we'll get there (NO AMTRAK THIS YEAR!  It was fun, but they messed with Sam Veal...NO ONE messes with Sam Veal...or anyone in The Rebellion for that matter), and events we'll try to attend.  On a sad note, one of our biggest advocates, Dan Lurman, is no longer with FMC.  He's missed.

So...Biddle...Vegas?  Yes, I have to go for Avid and Apple events from April 20th - April 23rd.  If you're interested in going (you have to pay and such), let me know.  The showroom floor is CRAZY!!!

Long Live The Rebellion