Monday, March 30, 2009

How do I get a job in NYC? LA? ATL?

If you look several posts back, you'll find advice from me concerning saving money, taking risks, look for side jobs, establish yourself with a professional attitude, try a finding a gig where you can meet people, try finding work at an equipment rental house, etc. However, I'm old (almost 40), and what does all that mean to someone young? Do the techniques I used to find a job in this business still work? Who would know? Why, The Rebellion would know.

Expect articles from people in LA like Adam Speas, Megan Mitchell, Jared Bargiel, and Kate Nichols to name a few. I'm certain Rachel Kohl, "Rocky", and "Maverick" will give us information on NYC, while "The Claw", "Wes-town", "Blade", and Stu Fleisher will give us help on the ATL scene.

Check back often as I know they will post often.

Long Live The Rebellion!!!