Monday, March 15, 2010

The Last Post

Rebellion, I am pulling the blog as of 4/1/2010. No, this is not an April Fools Day joke. The blog goes down as of 4/1/2010.

With all of you on Facebook, MySpace, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. and doing an exceptional job of staying in contact, there is no need for this blog.

I only have one piece of advice, and it's based on what many students and former students have come to me about lately: "Professor Biddle, I really want to teach!". Allow me to be blatantly honest...if you can't handle being a PA or an Assistant, then you don't want to teach...especially at the university level.

The explanation on why is not something to blog about, just know that if you've been in a PA or Assistant position...that's teaching.

Take care, everyone.