Thursday, February 7, 2008

I missed the meeting...what's up with NYC?

So, about 10 Rebels showed (I assume everyone else rebelled and chose not to come...very rebellious and always supported by The Rebellion)...but here's what's up:

- How long we staying? Hopefully one week.

- We will attend either the NYC Post Production Conference or the DV Expo...most likely the former. That will cost around $200 - $250.

Remember, Grady College (how we love ya!) offers student reimbursement through funds, but these funds are limited to special, one-time needs, not regular class expenses and must be approved prior to, a description of need is required and should be submitted with the application. Also, when requesting reimbursement for travel expenses, students must complete a travel authority prior to travel and expense statement upon return. If you pay attention to what "The Dude" is teaching you in his classes, that will all make complete sense. But, this is all a ways off, so we'll go over such things in detail closer to the trip.

- This year, we want to stay someplace fancy-pants...possibly close to Times Square. This means you'll need at least $350 for hotel...probably more. If we go Youth Hostel, it's much cheaper...but imagine bunk beds, one bathroom for every 24 beds, and taking the subway from 101st or 110th street to 33rd. Oh, and don't trust the $2 luggage storage service.

- Food. Food is expensive. Coffee and a bagel from the cart is $3.00. Pizza slice is $3.00 (with can of Coke). Papaya Dog
(YEAH!!!) Recession Special is $3.95...that's two dogs and a papaya drink. Shish-kabob and soda is $5.00. Dinner...well...plan on $20 per night depending on where you want to go....or just develop a love of Shish-kabob. For REAL NYC restaurants...sell stuff on Ebay. Good places to go outside of Manhattan include The Chip Shop and Dinosaur BBQ...look 'em up on the Internet thing with all the tubes.

- Travel. Well, once again I suggested the train. This time, The Rebellion went "HECK YEAH!!!!" So, we'll be looking into
Amtrak. Train or flight will average $250. Also, budget at least $60 for subway and travel from the airport if we fly.

That's it for now. Contact Biddle to get your name on the contact list.

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