Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hey, like Steady Cams?

The Steady Cam is fun item that's being used more often in film and television.  Rigs that are the "real deal" require a certified operator.  Certified operators eventually invest in their own rigs...and then tend to make no small amount of bank.

Peter Abraham, a highly skilled and experienced steady camera operator offers 2-day, intensive certification courses on this magnificent device.  Cost is $375.  Classes can be no smaller than 6 people, not larger than 12 people.  Biddle will organize up to three sessions in the Fall 2008 semester for those interested.

If you are willing commit to this (in terms of time and finances), contact Biddle as soon as possible so he can organize and confirm classes.  Looks like September 2008 is the best time for Mr. Abraham.

WooHoo!  Long Live The Rebellion!

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