Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Sorry for the dry-spell on the Rebellion Blog...The Vegas NAB was CRAZY!!! Special thanks to these hard-working rebels: Web, Shark, Paltrow, Chatty-Chatter, Blade, Shooter, C-Los, Big-D, and Cutter. And we love the gang at FMC: Joel, Iva, Chris, and Dan-The-Man.

Now, let's address panic about jobs....

Ok, I (Biddle) am an old guy...and I have a job, so me saying "Don't panic" probably doesn't really hold a lot of water with you, and rightfully so...but believe me, I've been unemployed and changed jobs/careers here are some helpful tips:

- If you wanna work on sets/locations, do you have your own stuff? Yes, a home editing system is cool, but can't help you as a PA on a set/location. Barbizon Lighting in Atlanta, NYC, and online has stuff you can use. Get some gloves, tool kit, belt, flashlight, etc.

- Your going to need a temp job, but what to get? For those going to NYC, try to avoid waiter/waitress. Why? The hours stink (only bartenders make their own hours), and EVERY restaurant in NYC knows why you are working there. Also, if you are working at a good place, and you are a good waiter/waitress, you could easily end up pulling in a LOT of money...I've seen people tipped with Rolex watches. People in NYC go to restaurants to eat and be served, so avoid this. Try for a temp/part-time job either at a place that rents video/film equipment (this is a good way to know what's happening in the area)or for an agency. LA is a different story. In LA, people mostly go to dinner to be seen, so I would still avoid waiter/waitress. The LA market is flooded with agencies, so get on-board as an assistant or assistant's assistant. One of the best part-time/temp/full-time jobs you can get is trainer/yoga instructor. If you can get your certification, this puts you right in the heart of "The Beautiful People"...and (as in the case with NYC as well) you can take one or several non-paying internships while you're working another job. A former student of mine worked as a yoga instructor and held two non-paying internships at major studios. In two years, when a job opened at a studio, they gave it to her for her effort, loyalty, and drive. That's why we call it "work". If you want to work in Atlanta, treat it the same way.

More next week!

Long live The Rebellion!

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